Ka'a Body: Cosmovision of the Rainforest: Curated by Sandra Benites and Anita Ekman
Part IPart IIDigital Festival
Ka’a Body is the first major, international presentation of indigenous art and culture from Brazil, staged by an Indigenous curator.
It explores the relationship between the body and territory as a way of establishing a dialogue between the indigenous and non-indigenous on the history of the forests and bodies, and articulates various cosmologies of indigenous cultures.
As such Ka’a Body becomes a portal between two distant yet connected worlds: the vast, complex world of the rainforests of Brazil (the Amazon and remnants of the Atlantic Rainforest) and the world of London, also vast and complex, which, as a centre of global capitalism, profited from Indigenous and African labour in these forests on its path to power and dominance.
“The artworks in this exhibition reflect the worldviews of the Indigenous people, which are inseparable from the forest. We launch this exhibition to open a true dialogue which will enable healing and create a space of exchange with the other through these artworks.” Sandra Benites |
20% of sales from Ka’a Body will be donated to two NGOs:
Paradise Row Projects is a one-year, nonprofit, curatorial project.
Participating artists:
Wera Alcides, AMITIKATXI (Articulação das Mulheres Indígenas Tiriyó, Katxuyana e Txikiyana), Kume Assurini, Denilson Baniwa, Sandra Benites, Kassia Borges (Rare Karaja Huni Kuin, Huni Kuin MAHKU Collective), Anita Ekman, Jaider Esbell, Zahy Guajajara, Iba Huni Kuin (Huni Kuin MAHKU Collective), Yaka Huni Kuin (Coletivo Aimbu), Xadalu Tupã Jekupé, Rita Pinheiro Sales Kaxinawa (Coletivo Kayatibu), Isadora Matos (Coletivo Aimbu), Sandra Nanayna, Macelo Noronha, Pamatoa (Coletivo Suruí), Aislan Pankararu, Ermelinda Bosco Peixoto, Sallisa Rosa, Florinda Martins da Silva, Edu Simões, Acelino Tui (Huni Kuin MAHKU Collective), Daiara Tukano, Gilson Tupinambá, Yakakumalu Wauja (Coletivo Wauja), Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto
Ka'a Body is supported by The Goethe-Institut London and Nicole Bainov. |
With thanks to Dandara Valadares.
Exterior view of Ka'a Body - Part I
All photographs are by Mirko Boffelli
Installation view
Installation view
On a bed of Amazonian seeds: Yakakumalu Wauja (Coletivo Wauja), Kamalu Hai (Ceramic Pot III), 2021, clay ceramic, 25 x 51 x 37 cm
Left: Daiara Tukano, O Acordo (The Agreement), 2021, sumi-ê ink on paper, 100 x 46 cm; right: Sallisa Rosa, Resistência (I-III), 2021, inkjet prints on Hahnenmühle PhotoRag 180 gsm, 21 x 29.7 cm each, edition of 3
Andrey Guaianá, Mestiçagem #10 & #8, 2021, urucum on paper, cement sack, iron, and cotton string, 75 x 50 cm
Jaider Esbell, Ninho dos Sonhos (Nest of Dreams), 2021, oil on canvas, 70 x 70 cm
Denilson Baniwa, Mártires da Terra, 2019, quadriptych, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 24 cm each
Yaka Huni Kuin and Isadora Matos (Coletivo Aimbu), Yube Nawa Ainbu, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 168 x 200 cm
Andrey Guianá Zignnatto, Alicerce IV (Foundation IV), 2021, ceramic and concrete, 65 x 120 x 20 cm